Thank you for submitting a potential store location!
Royal Farms evaluates every site submission. We review the individual site criteria and the trade area as a package. If we don’t contact you regarding your submission, we may have determined that the site fell short of our site selection requirements. We may have other sites in the market under consideration.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why did you not consider my submission for a potential store location?
Royal Farms always considers any site that is submitted. we are actively working in all market areas and may have other sites in consideration which we cannot disclose or other market and site considerations we have already investigated in that area. A submitted site that fits into this category would not need investigation and we would not want to take away any opportunity for someone else that may be interested.
My property meets all of your site criteria. I do not understand why you will not consider the purchase of my property?
Our site criteria is our basic guideline for site selection for prospective sellers. There is also extensive area market research conducted and take into consideration. Our Real Estate Managers are experts in their area combining both site criteria (trade area and market) and site selection (requirements) as a whole package. Every consideration is evaluated.